Hi All,
Eve Douglass from BLAST sent me a worship song to share with all of you!
It’s a great song about God. worship song
This week the session is called Jesus
The aims of the session are: To explore who Jesus is and to ask Jesus to be our friend.
The story that we are looking at is from Matthew chapter 3/ Luke 1,3: and John 1 This version is from the Story book bible watch here
The memory verse for this week is John 3:16
Here are some colouring sheets:
From the story can see that Jesus was sent to earth for a reason. He had a job to do on earth that was really important. He came so we could understand that, no matter how big, how small or how clever, God loves everyone.❤️
Jesus changed everything: it was like he gave everyone new eyes. All of a sudden, he showed them that loving people is more important than rules. He said that, if we loved others as much as ourselves, everything else would slot into place. Jesus knew that, if we understood how much God loves us, we would feel loved and we would be able to love other people really well.
He didn’t just talk about loving other people, he loved them with his actions too. He hugged, prayed for people, healed people, fed people, and so many other things.
Questions to ask your children
What ways can you think of showing love to other people?
Have you ever felt loved by God?
Have a look at the material and see what other things it suggest to do and talk about. This is also a great opportunity to chat to your children about a relationship with Jesus. Have they ever asked Jesus to be their friend?
Older ones:
Younger ones:
Please do let me know if you are using the material or if you have any questions.
This material is from the https://connectedhearts.co.uk/ website