Dear church family,
Well, as we enter our fourth week of lockdown, we continue to live in uncertain and frustrating times.
Over the last week I have been frantically writing an essay for my Masters, studying through Luke 8. Here we see Jesus demonstrate his authority over creation (verses 22-25), over the demonic (verses 26-39) and over sickness and death (verses 40-56).
Jesus has all authority and because of this we know that we can 'Trust in him at all times' Ps. 62:8. What is remarkable is that Jesus shares his authority with his disciples, Luke 9:1, Matt. 28:18.
As his people, let's not be disheartened but encouraged! Let's walk with our heads high and focused on Jesus, knowing He has all authority over the situations we are facing. Let's be confident, walking in the authority we have been given, coming to God in prayer and calling on him to step into the situations we face.
It is important that we continue to connect with one another, if you haven't signed up for a contact group yet you can still do that, the list of groups is available here. These groups give us a good opportunity to pray together, focus on the word and share community.
Sam Kendell has recorded an excellent devotional this week on Psalm 27, if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet you can see that here.
Please join us here, for one of our online meetings this Sunday as Phil Wilthew, from Kings Arms Bedford, speaks to us. Our meeting times are 10am, 11.30am and 7pm.
Coming Up
A reminder that our church prayer evening will take place on Tuesday 28th April, 7.45-9pm, I will be sending out more details about this next week.
Secondly, a reminder about the family meeting which will now take place on Tuesday 12th May, 7.45-9pm.
Online resource of the week...
This week I learnt that HTB are offering their excellent marriage course for free online. It is a seven week course which can be started anytime, a new video is available each week between Monday at 7.30pm through to Wednesdays at 7.30am. Details are available here.
I continue to look forward to seeing you all again,
Gateway Church Ashford, is a church in Ashford, Kent, and is part of the New Frontiers movement and within the Catalyst Network sphere.