Light Party
Tuesday 31st October
We aren't running a bonfire night this year as we feel it's good to take a break. However, there will be two light parties organised by Gateway and Pneuma Church, one for children/families (5:15-6:45pm) and the other for youth (7-8:30pm), do book in!
Caleb Rising
Saturday 11th November · 10am-3pm · Sign up here
After an excellent time together last year, part two is here. God’s calling the Calebs to rise up in this day and take their mountains. You had dreams and visions of the calling on your life but disappointment, disillusionment or hurt have blocked your path. Caleb was 85 when he took his mountain. It’s not too late!! This is your time, whatever your age. Come along to this inspirational day and be encouraged, rekindle your passion for Jesus and let the Caleb spirit in you rise up again.
NSPCC Quiz Night Fundraiser Friday 17th November · 7pm · £5pp · Tickets available here Austen Hardwick is fundraising for the NSPCC by running the London Marathon on Sunday 21st April 2024. All proceeds from this event will help the NSPCC which are the leading children's charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to join in the quiz night. Gather a team of up to six people and get ready to answer brain-teasing questions, enjoy friendly competition, and win prizes.
Christmas dates for your diary
Free Kids Christmas Craft Session · Saturday 2nd December · Booking required with two time slots available 9:30am and 11am · Sign up here
Christmas Craft Fayre · Saturday 9th December · 9.30am-12pm · Book a stall here
Gateway Christmas Carols · Sunday 10th December · 4pm and 6pm · Sign up opens nearer the time
Christmas Day Morning Service
Gateway Church Ashford | The Riverside Centre, Ashford, TN23 4YN | 01233 638866