Happy New Year! We hope you had a good Christmas.

In Psalm 105 we read, 'look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always'. Our priority as a church is to seek God together, and so we are kicking off the year with prayer! I'm convinced that if we are going to see God move in our generation, across our town and region then we must give ourselves to prayer and seeking God's will for our church family.
As AW Tozer writes, 'The greatest ministry any church can have is to experience God'.
We have created multiple opportunities for you to join us as we pray and worship, with the first one tomorrow evening, 7.45-9.30pm here at the Riverside and also via Zoom. We would love you to join us. As a reminder here are all of the dates throughout January:
Tuesday Mornings - 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
6:30 - 7am praying the scriptures, Zoom only
7:30 - 8.30am prayer for revival, in person only
Wednesday evenings - 4th, 11th, 18th
7:45 - 9:30pm - prayer and worship, on zoom and in person
Sunday Mornings - 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
8:30 - 9:20am - praying for Sundays, on zoom and in person
24 Hours of prayer
Friday 27th- Saturday 28th, 11am-11am, on zoom and in person
The Zoom login for all our prayer meetings is -
Meeting ID: 858 2501 3006
Passcode: 950471
Lastly, a reminder that on Sunday we return to our usual pattern of two meetings at 9.30 am and 11.15am. Looking forward to seeing you!
Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | office@gatewaychurchashford.co.uk
www.gatewaychurchashford.co.uk | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN