The supertruth for this week is
“With God, all things are possible.”
We will be looking at the miracle of the paralysed man. To do this we will be using Superbook and other resources. The story is from Mark 2:1-12. Below is a link for the Superbook video ‘ God of miracles‘ which we will be covering over the next few weeks:
Superbook God of miracles (not suitable for young children) (about 20 mins long)
Other versions of the story to look at:
Beginners bible (the paralysed man story is from 7-10 mins)
Things to think about from the story
Jesus didn’t do miracles for fun, or to draw a crowd. He was anointed by God to perform miracles for a purpose - to help people (he cares deeply about our needs), and to show them that his authority came from God because he truly is God’s son.
There is a miracle that sometimes gets overlooked when we read about Jesus healing the man who was paralyzed. This miracle actually takes place BEFORE the man is healed physically! Did anyone catch it when we watched the Bible story?

It is actually the greatest miracle that we can experience in our lives! Does anyone know what that miracle is?
It is the forgiveness of our sins! Every person needs this, and no one can perform this miracle except Jesus!
Verses to remember
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Job 42:2
“I know that You can do anything, and no one can stop You.”
How can knowing that we serve the all-powerful God help us in times of trouble? When we keep verses like the ones above in our hearts, we don’t have to fear anything, because we serve a God who can do everything! “With God, all things are possible!”
(You will need a glass/plastic jar/bottle, water, oil, and food colouring)
Add all the above into the container…..
Explain that the water represents what we can see with our eyes—our world. The food colouring is there so that you can see it more clearly. The oil represents God. Shake the jar and then place it on the table. What happens to the oil? It floats on top!
God is all-powerful, and He is on top of every situation!
Shake the container and explain, God is not limited by anything on Earth! No power, no disease (sickness), and no disaster is above God.
You might be able to think of lots of other stories where God is above it all, even now in this pandemic! We will be looking at some of these other stories over the next few weeks.
Can you thank God that he cares about us and loves us so much that he sent Jesus to earth to heal us and to show us his love.
We can also thank him for always being on top of all our situations, just like the oil shows us in the activity above - God is above everything.
Other activities
Song - Nothings too big
Extra - On Sunday morning’s Simon and Anna Brading have been doing a Children’s worship session from 9-9:30 via facebook on their Emmanuel Church account. Do have a look here.
Gateway Church Ashford - Children's Ministry