Well it’s been 487 days since we last gathered together as a whole church family, and I’m pleased to announce that from the 25th July we will be starting to regather without capacity restrictions. Over the summer we have decided to do things a little differently to help us begin reintegrating together. For the 5 weeks between 25th July - 22nd August we will be meeting at 11am at the Riverside, and each week we are planning an opportunity to socialise together.
Sunday 25th July* - 11 am Worship together outside followed by a church picnic
Sunday 1st August* - 11 am Worship together outside followed by free ice cream!
Sunday 8th August - 11 am Pastries and coffee followed by a meeting
Sunday 15th August - 11 am Meeting followed by a BBQ and bouncy castles (we will be inviting the local community to join us for this)
Sunday 22nd August - 11 am Meeting followed by a church picnic
Sunday 29th August - No meeting
*Note: 25th July, 1st August won't be live streamed. Instead we will have a zoom call set up at 11am to catch up with others.
Watch Barneys video to find out more and do check your emails for further information. New to Gateway? Then get in touch with the church office on the details below and we can send you more information.
Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | office@gatewaychurchashford.co.uk
www.gatewaychurchashford.co.uk | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN