As a community we love to hear people's stories and what God is doing in people's lives. We love to give thanks to God, bring encouragement and hope.
Today we have a story from Chrissie who has a story about God's goodness & faithfulness over the past year.
"Over the past year or so God had been reminding me in His Word about some of His Jehovah names - in particular Jehovah Jireh - "the Lord will provide". On reflecting on this I realised that God cannot fail to provide for us because it would go against the very nature of who He is! God cannot deny Himself.
I didn't really understand the significance of this until October 2020, when I had to give up my job working as a nurse with the chronic pain service, due to health reasons. We had some genuine concerns about how this would affect our family finances.
I had hoped that with a few short months off work to recuperate, I'd be able to get another job by the New Year. However, I wasn't even offered any interviews for the jobs I was applying for, despite being well qualified.
Two different Christian friends both said to me that maybe God intended for me to rest for a while longer - and to also rest IN HIM.
So for the past few months, that's what I've been trying to do. With prayer & support from lots of people in the Church Family, my chronic fatigue has significantly improved. God has also given me several opportunities to help others during this time, which would not have been at all possible if I had still been working.
Miraculously, for the first 6 months after giving up work, our bank balance remained virtually unchanged. I don't know how God did this, but He did! Then just as our finances started to dwindle I received a benefit payment (backdated to October) which completely made up the difference.
I had an interview last Friday for a job as a Palliative Care Clinical Advisor with the ambulance service. I really didn't think the interview had gone well and I shared my concerns with my church groups.
Danny, from the GCA church, said he was praying that "I would be distinguishable for all the right reasons and that my care and compassion would shine through". Within the hour I got a phone call to say that they would love to offer me the job because "my care and compassion shone through"!!! (I hopefully start my new job on 16th August - the role, the hours, the staff support - everything is perfect and it's as though God's created this job just for me!)
I have just been so overwhelmed by God's goodness & faithfulness to me & my family. He has proved Himself over & over again to be Jehovah Jireh to us.
I would just like to encourage anyone else who is maybe facing a similar situation (maybe their employment is uncertain, or they're looking for work, or finances are difficult, etc). Whatever you're facing just press into God, dig deeper into His Word, declare His promises over your life and your situation, and just keep on trusting Him. He is faithful to His Word & to His promises. He will never let you down.
1 Peter 5 v 7: "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you".
Gateway Church Ashford | 01233 638866 | office@gatewaychurchashford.co.uk
www.gatewaychurchashford.co.uk | The Riverside Centre, Clockhouse, Ashford, Kent, TN23 4YN